Deploy a SharedBlock Primary Storage

  1. Add raw devices.
    Administrators need to partition raw devices (LUN devices) of a certain capacity on an FC storage and scan the disks online using the following command:
    [root@sharedblock-host1 ~]# echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host1/scan  [root@sharedblock-host1 ~]# echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host2/scan  [root@sharedblock-host1 ~]# echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host3/scan  # /dev/sdg is the newly scanned device [root@sharedblock-host1 ~]# lsscsi -s [0:0:0:3]    disk    DELL     MD32xx           0784  /dev/sdd   2.19TB [0:0:1:3]    disk    DELL     MD32xx           0784  /dev/sdg   2.19TB [0:0:2:3]    disk    DELL     MD32xx           0784  /dev/sdj   2.19TB
  2. Add a primary storage.
    Set the following parameters:
    • Zone: By default, the current zone is displayed.
    • Name: Enter a name for the primary storage.
    • Description: Enter a description for the primary storage.
    • Type: Select SharedBlock Storage.
    • Default Storage Space Allocation Strategy: Select a storage space allocation strategy, including thick provisioning and thin provisioning.
      • Thick Provisioning: Allocates the required storage space in advance to provide sufficient storage capacities and to ensure storage performance.
      • Thin Provisioning: Allocates storage spaces as needed to achieve a higher storage utilization.
    • Storage Network: Enter the storage network specified for the shared storage. The storage network can be the management network of the management node.
      • If you have a dedicated storage network, enter its CIDR.
      • We recommend that you plan an independent storage network in advance to avoid potential risks. If you do not have an independent storage network, enter the network address according to your actual needs.
      • The Cloud uses the storage network to check the health status of VM instances.
    • Cluster: Select a cluster to which the SharedBlock primary storage is attached.
    • LUN: Select one or more LUN devices as needed.
      Note: Make sure that the compute node is properly connected with the storage and added to the Cloud.
    • Cleanse LUN: Optional. Determine whether to cleanse LUN devices. By default, LUN devices are not cleansed.
      • If you choose to cleanse LUN devices, the residual data, such as file systems, RAID, or signatures of partition tables in the LUN devices will be forced to clean up.
      • If data exists in your LUN devices, and you do not cleanse the devices, you will fail to add LUN devices or attach primary storage.
      • The LUN devices to be added cannot have partitions. Otherwise, you will fail to add the devices.
    Figure 1. Add SharedBlock Primary Storage


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