ZStack Cloud
ZStack Cloud, adhering to the 4S standards (Simple, Strong, Smart, Scalable), provides you with powerful private cloud features and addon services.Featuring lightweight deployment and open-source, the Cloud now supports diverse version planning to better meet your various business requirements.
ZStack Cloud 4.0 Is Here
Brand new UI design
Cutting-edge frontend architecture
Dramatically increased concurrency
One-stop intelligent monitoring
Clearer and diverse version planning
Smooth and ease-of-use experience
Edition Comparison
ZStack Cloud Community provides a simple, easy-to-obtain productized private cloud platform with well-designed features for community users such as teachers, students, and cloud computing enthusiasts. You can apply for a free download to build your own private cloud platform and experience the compute, storage, and network features and services.
To use the Cloud in a production environment, let us know your requirements. We will customize the Cloud of other editions for you.
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ZStack Cloud, licensed under Apache License 2.0, is an open source IaaS program originated in China.

The source code of ZStack Cloud is hosted on an open source platform. You can clone and submit your own contributions anytime.

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Abundant, Practical Features Meet Different Community Users' Needs
ZStack Cloud Community provides community users with a private cloud platform with abundant features such as VM instances, VPC vRouters, volumes, snapshots, images, instance offerings, and disk offerings. We also provide comprehensive documentations to help you better explore the Cloud.
Cloud Computing Learners and Explorers
Provides comprehensive tutorials and documentations, allowing you to explore or spread cloud computing knowledges based on the self-developed, non-OpenStack private cloud architecture.
Enterprises Interested in Cloud Computing
Helps enterprises understand the advantages of cloud computing, such as convenience, elasticity, flexibility, and high utilization.
Open Source Enthusiasts
Allows open source individuals to customize and develop based on the software according to their own business needs.

Build up a technology exchange platform for open source enthusiasts around the world

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community users
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hours of stable running
ZStack Customer distribution map

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