Operational Management

You can perform the following actions on a SharedBlock primary storage:
  • Enable: Enable the disabled primary storage.
  • Disable: Disable the primary storage. After the primary storage is disabled, you cannot use it to create VM instances, volumes, or snapshots. However, existing resources are not affected.
  • Reconnect: Reconnect the primary storage. This action will update the storage information about the primary storage.
    Note: If any host can connect properly to the primary storage, the status of the primary storage will be Connected.
  • Create Volume: Create a volume on the primary storage. Then, this volume will be an instantiated volume.
  • Attach Cluster: Attach the primary storage to a cluster.
    • A cluster can have one or more SharedBlock primary storage attached.
    • A cluster can have both a LocalStorage and a SharedBlock primary storage attached.
  • Detach Cluster: Detach the primary storage from a cluster.
  • Enter Maintenance Mode: Placing a primary storage into maintenance mode also stops associated VM instances including those with HA enabled.
  • Delete: Delete the primary storage.
    • Before you can delete the primary storage, detach it from all clusters.
    • Deleting a primary storage also deletes all the resources on the primary storage, such as VM instances, elastic baremetal instances, volumes, and snapshots. Even if you add this primary storage again, the original files cannot be automatically detected.
  • Add Shared Block: Add LUN devices online.
  • Refresh Capacity: Refresh the storage capacity, especially when you have resized the LUN devices.

Add Shared Block

You can add one or more LUNs to a SharedBlock primary storage by following these steps:

  • On the Primary Storage page, choose a SharedBlock primary storage and enter its details page.
  • On the details page, click and enter the LUN tab, and then click Add.
  • On the Add Shared Block page, select target LUN(s) and click OK.
Figure 1. Add Shared Block

Now, you have learnt how to deploy a SharedBlock storage based on FC storage on ZStack Cloud.


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