ZStack Cloud CloudFormation is a service that helps you simplify the cloud computing resource management and automate the deployment and O&M. With a resource stack template, you can define what cloud resources you need, the dependency between the resources, and the resource configuration. With the CloudFormation engine, CloudFormation can provide automatic batch deployment and resource configuration, as well as easy lifecycle management of cloud resources. You can also use API and SDK to integrate the automatic O&M capabilities.
Name | Description | Optional | Valid Value | Starting Version |
uuid | The UUID. For more information, see Resource Property. | 2.5.0 | ||
name | The name. For more information, see Resource Property. | 2.5.0 | ||
description | The description. For more information, see Resource Property. | Yes | 2.5.0 | |
version | The stack version. | 2.5.0 | ||
type | The stack type. Default type: zstack. |
| 2.5.0 | |
templateContent | The stack content, which is a JSON string. | Yes | 2.5.0 | |
paramContent | The parameters in the stack. The parameters are JSON strings. | 2.5.0 | ||
status | The stack status. | 2.5.0 | ||
reason | The reason for stack creation failure. | Yes | 2.5.0 | |
enableRollback | Whether to roll back if stack creation fails. | 2.5.0 | ||
groupBy | Groups rows into subgroups based on values of columns or expressions. This field is equivalent to the Group By clause in MySQL, such as groupBy=type. | Yes | 2.5.0 | |
createDate | The creation date. For more information, see Resource Property. | 2.5.0 | ||
lastOpDate | The last operation date. For more information, see Resource Property. | 2.5.0 | ||
userTags | The user tags. For more information, see CreateUserTag. | Yes | 2.5.0 | |
systemTags | The system tags. For more information, see CreateSystemTag. | Yes | 2.5.0 |
{ "inventories": [ { "createDate": "Jun 28, 2018 1:44:13 PM", "enableRollback": true, "lastOpDate": "Jun 28, 2018 1:44:22 PM", "name": "EIP", "paramContent": "{"InstanceOfferingUuid":"87dd7bae500f4273a9241751d0542a65","ImageUuid":"4f04a5e91d075a9cb72131da51eeb62b","PrivateNetworkUuid":"f88ccf4ece2a46e793b2d55b9c07b905","PublicNetworkUuid":"4373fceca7334974aeaac17007e17ec3","RootDiskOfferingUuid":"aee7c2ce77754134809caa8dbea49ecf"}", "status": "Created", \n}", } } "Ref": "VmInstance"etAtt":[{"Fn::Select":[0,{"Fn::GetAtt":["VmInstance","vmNics"]}]},"uuid"]} "type": "zstack", "uuid": "36ed397d1ce847fcb3faa95decce7898", "version": "2018-06-18" } ], "success": true }
Name | Description | Optional | Valid Value | Starting Version |
uuid | The UUID. For more information, see Resource Property. | 2.5.0 | ||
name | The name. For more information, see Resource Property. | 2.5.0 | ||
description | The description. For more information, see Resource Property. | Yes | 2.5.0 | |
type | The template type. Default type: zstack. |
| 2.5.0 | |
version | The template version. | 2.5.0 | ||
state | Whether to enable the template. | 2.5.0 | ||
content | The template content, which is a JSON string. | 2.5.0 | ||
groupBy | Groups rows into subgroups based on values of columns or expressions. This field is equivalent to the Group By clause in MySQL, such as groupBy=type. | Yes | 2.5.0 | |
createDate | The creation date. For more information, see Resource Property. | 2.5.0 | ||
lastOpDate | The last operation date. For more information, see Resource Property. | 2.5.0 | ||
userTags | The user tags. For more information, see CreateUserTag. | Yes | 2.5.0 | |
systemTags | The system tags. For more information, see CreateSystemTag. | Yes | 2.5.0 |
{ "inventories": [ { "content": "{ "ZStackTemplateFormatVersion" : "2018-06-18", "Description": "Example for create a group vm instance in zstack.", "Parameters" : { "imageUuid": { "Type" : "String", "Description": "Image Uuid, represents the image resource to startup one vm instance\ntest enter" }, "instanceOfferingUuid": { "Type": "String", "Description": "The instance offering uuid" }, "l3NetworkUuid": { "Type": "String", "Description": "The l3 network uuid" } }, "Resources" : { "WebServer1": { "Type": "ZStack::Resource::VmInstance", "Properties": { "name" : "vm", "description": "test\nenter", "imageUuid" : {"Ref": "imageUuid"}, "instanceOfferingUuid": {"Ref": "instanceOfferingUuid"}, "l3NetworkUuids": [{"Ref": "l3NetworkUuid"}], "systemTags": ["userdata::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"] } } }, "Outputs": { "VmInstance": { "Description" : "print vm instance", "Value" : {"Ref": "WebServer1"} } }}", "createDate": "Jun 27, 2018 7:59:07 PM", "lastOpDate": "Jun 27, 2018 7:59:07 PM", "name": "userdata", "state": true, "type": "zstack", "uuid": "94cd225aa6c348edbfd2fb1ca7ec50f7", "version": "2018-06-18" }, { \n}", } } "Ref": "VmInstance"etAtt":[{"Fn::Select":[0,{"Fn::GetAtt":["VmInstance","vmNics"]}]},"uuid"]} "createDate": "Jun 27, 2018 5:21:19 PM", "lastOpDate": "Jun 27, 2018 7:15:48 PM", "name": "ć»șEIP", "state": true, "type": "zstack", "uuid": "a427e49177a7426eadeef2e10b89efaf", "version": "2018-06-18" } ], "success": true }
Name | Description | Optional | Valid Value | Starting Version |
id | The event ID. | 2.5.0 | ||
description | The detailed description of the resource. | Yes | 2.5.0 | |
action | The event name. | 2.5.0 | ||
content | The event parameters. | 2.5.0 | ||
resourceName | The resource name. | 2.5.0 | ||
actionStatus | The action status. | 2.5.0 | ||
stackUuid | The stack UUID. | 2.5.0 | ||
duration | The event duration. | Yes | 2.5.0 | |
groupBy | Groups rows into subgroups based on values of columns or expressions. This field is equivalent to the Group By clause in MySQL, such as groupBy=type. | Yes | 2.5.0 | |
createDate | The creation date. For more information, see Resource Property. | 2.5.0 | ||
lastOpDate | The last operation date. For more information, see Resource Property. | 2.5.0 | ||
userTags | The user tags. For more information, see CreateUserTag. | Yes | 2.5.0 | |
systemTags | The system tags. For more information, see CreateSystemTag. | Yes | 2.5.0 |
{ "inventories": [ { "action": "CreateVmInstanceAction", "actionStatus": "Start", "content": "{\n "l3NetworkUuids": [\n "f88ccf4ece2a46e793b2d55b9c07b905"\n ],\n "name": "EIP-VM",\n "instanceOfferingUuid": "87dd7bae500f4273a9241751d0542a65",\n "imageUuid": "4f04a5e91d075a9cb72131da51eeb62b",\n "rootDiskOfferingUuid": "aee7c2ce77754134809caa8dbea49ecf"\n}", "createDate": "Jun 28, 2018 1:44:13 PM", "id": 11, "lastOpDate": "Jun 28, 2018 1:44:13 PM", "resourceName": "VmInstance", "stackUuid": "36ed397d1ce847fcb3faa95decce7898" }, ], "success": true }
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