Getting Started Through Wizard

On your first login to ZStack ZSphere, you can enter the management node IP address https://management_node_ip in a Chrome 67 or later browser, input the default username admin and the default initial password password. The system interface will guide you through the basic initialization environment configuration for ZStack ZSphere.

You can quickly set up the environment by following the system guide:
  1. New Data Center
  2. New Cluster
  3. New Host
  4. Add a Data Storage
  5. Add an Image Storage
  6. Add an Image
  7. New Distributed Port Group
Note the following during the initialization process:
  • If you interrupt the Wizard setup process during initialization, the system will not re-enter the Wizard.
  • If you do not create a data center during initialization, the system will re-enter the Wizard when you log in again.
  • If you exit the guide interface unexpectedly during initialization, you can delete the data center and log back into the platform to re-enter the Wizard.

New Data Center


  1. Set the following parameters to create a new data center:
    • Name: Name of the data center, default is Datacenter-1.
    • Description: Description of the data center.
  2. Click OK to complete the creation of the data center.

New Cluster


  1. Set the following parameters to create a new cluster:
    • Name: Cluster name.
    • Data Center: Data center where the cluster resides.
    • CPU Architecture: Supports creating clusters with x86 or aarch architectures. The host architecture added to the cluster must match one of these.
  2. Click OK to complete the creation of the cluster.

New Host


  1. Set the following parameters to add a host:
    1. Complete the basic information configuration:
      • Name: Host name.
      • Cluster: Cluster where the host resides.
    2. Complete the host information configuration:
      • IP Address: IP address of the host.
      • SSH Port: SSH port of the host, default is 22.
      • SSH Username: Username for the host. Default is root.
      • SSH Password: SSH password for the username.
  2. Review the configuration and click OK to complete adding the host.


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