
Data Center

A data center is the largest resource namespace within a virtualization platform, including resources such as clusters, hosts, data storage, distributed switches, and distributed port groups.


A logical collection of a group of hosts (compute nodes).


A host is an x86 or ARM physical server running a KVM virtualization hypervisor, providing resources such as computing, networking, and storage to virtual machines.

Virtual Machine Group

A logical grouping of virtual machines based on business needs.

Virtual Machine

A virtual machine is a virtualized host running on a physical host, capable of running an operation system and applications just like a physical host.


A disk provides storage space for a virtual machine. Disks are categorized into system disks and data disks.

System Disk

A system disk provides support for the system operations of a virtual machine.

Data Disk

A data disk provides extended storage space for a virtual machine.


An image is a template file used by virtual machines or disks. Images are categorized into system images and disk images.

Image Storage

An image storage is a virtualized resource that provides storage space for image template files used by virtual machines or disks. An image storage can be categorized into standalone image storage and distributed image storage.

Standalone Image Storage

A standalone image storage stores image files through image slices and support incremental storage.

Distributed Image Storage

A distributed image storage stores image files through distributed block storage.

Data Storage

A data storage is a virtualized resource that provides storage space for virtual machines and their application data. A data storage can be categorized into local storage and network shared storage.

Local Storage

A local storage is storage resource constructed using the physical storage space of one or more hosts.

Netowrk Shared Storage

A storage system used for remote storage of virtual machines and their application data, accessible concurrently by hosts over a network.

Distributed Switch

A virtual switching device that provides unified virtual network management and monitoring for virtual machines within a cluster.

Distributed Port Group

A logical grouping of ports on a distributed switch, used for port configuration.

vNUMA Configuration

vNUMA uses CPU pinning to passthrough the topology of associated host physical NUMA (pNUMA) nodes to a virtual machine, generating a topology of virtual NUMA (vNUMA) nodes for the virtual machine. This topology enables a vCPU on a vNUMA node to primarily access the local memory and thus improves VM performance.

NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access)

Non-uniform memory access (NUMA) is a computer memory design where the memory access time depends on the memory location relative to the CPU. Under NUMA, a processor can access its own local memory faster than non-local memory and thus improves VM performance.

pNUMA Node (physical NUMA Node)

A pNUMA node (physical NUMA node) is a host NUMA node predefined based on the host NUMA architecture. It is used to manage the CPUs and memory of the host.

pNUMA Topology (physical NUMA Topology)

A pNUMA topology (physical NUMA topology) is the topology of the host NUMA nodes predefined by the CPU vendor based on the host NUMA architecture.

vNUMA Node (virtual NUMA Node)

A vNUMA node (virtual NUMA node) is generated by passing-through associated pNUMA nodes via CPU pinning. It is used to manage the CPUs and memory of a virtual machine.

vNUMA Topology (virtual NUMA Topology)

A vNUMA topology (virtual NUMA topology) is the topology of VM NUMA nodes generated by passing-through associated pNUMA nodes via CPU pinning.

Local Memory

Local memory is the memory that a CPU (pCPU or vCPU) accesses through the Uncore iMC (Integrated Memory Controller) of the same NUMA (pNUMA or vNUMA) node. Compared with accessing non-local memory, accessing local memory has lower latencies.

CPU Pinning

CPU pinning assigns the virtual CPUs (vCPUs) of a virtual machine to specific physical CPUs (pCPUs) of the host, which improves VM performance.

EmulatorPin Configuration

EmulatorPin assigns all other threads than virtual CPU (vCPU) threads and IO threads of a virtual machine to physical CPUs (pCPUs) of the host so that these threads run on assigned pCPUs.


A snapshot is a point-in-time capture of data status in a disk.

VM Scheduling Policy

A VM scheduling policy is a resource orchestration policy based on which virtual machines are assigned to hosts to achieve the high performance and high availability of businesses.

Management Node

A physical host where the system is installed, providing UI management and virtualization platform deployment capabilities.

Compute Node

Also known as a host, it is a physical server that provides computing, networking, and storage resources for virtual machines.

iSCSI Storage

iSCSI storage is an SAN storage that uses the iSCSI protocol for data transmission. You can add an iSCSI SAN block as a SAN storage or passthrough the block to a virtual machine.

FC Storage

FC storage is an SAN storage that uses the FC technology for data transmission. You can add an FC SAN block as a SAN storage or passthrough the block to a virtual machine.

NVMe Storage

A type of storage implemented via the NVMe-oF (NVMe over fabrics) protocol. You can add a block device configured from an NVMe storage as SAN storage.

Management Network

A management network is used to manage physical resources in the platform. For example, you can create a management network to manage access to hosts, data storage, and image storage.

Security Group

A security group provides security control services for VM NICs. It filters the ingress or egress TCP, UDP, and ICMP packets of VM NICs based on the specified security rules.

MN Monitoring

Management Node (MN) monitoring allows you to view the health status of each management node when you use multiple management nodes to achieve high availability.


An alarm is used to monitor the status of time-series data and events and respond to the status change. Alarms can be categorized into resource alarm and event alarm.

Message Template

A message template specifies the text template of a resource alarm message or event alarm message sent to an SNS system.


An endpoint is a method that users obtain subscribed messages.

Alarm Message

An alarm message is a message sent the time when an alarm is triggered.

Current Task

A current task is an ongoing operation performed in the pltform. You can perform centralized management over ongoing operations.

Operation Log

An operation log is a chronological record of operations on the specified objects and their operation results.


Event monitors and records all activities on the platform. You can use this feature to implement operation tracking, security analysis, troubleshooting, and automatic O&M.

Backup Plan

You can create a backup plan to back up local virtual machines or platform databases to a specified backup storage on a regular basis.

Local Backup Data

Local backup data of virtual machines or platform databases is stored in the local backup storage.

Local Backup Storage

A local backup storage is located at the local data center and is used to store local backup data.

Remote Backup Storage

A remote backup storage is located at the a remote data center and is used to store remote backup data.


A tag is used to mark resources. You can use a tag to search for and aggregate resources.

Single Sign-On

The Single Sign-On service supports seamless access to SSO systems. Through the service, related users can directly log in to the platform and manage resources.

Console Proxy

Console proxy allows you to log in to a virtual machine by using the IP address of a proxy.

AccessKey Management

An AccessKey pair is a security credential that one party authorizes another party to call API operations and access its resources in the platform. AccessKey pairs shall be kept confidential.

IP Blocklist/Allowlist

An IP blocklist or allowlist identifies and filters IP addresses that access the platform. You can create an IP allowlist or blocklist to improve access control of the platform.

User Management

A user can be created by the admin or synchronized from an authentication system. A user is managed by the admin. Resources created by a user are managed by the user.

Theme and Appearance

You can customize the theme and appearance of the platform.

Email Server

If you select Email as the endpoint of an alarm, you need to set an email server. Then alarm messages are sent to the email server.

Log Server

A log server is used to collect logs of the management node. You can add a log server to the platform and use the collected logs to locate errors and exceptions. This makes your O&M more efficient.

System Parameters

System parameters allow you to configure settings that take effect on the whole platform.

HA Policy

HA Policy is a mechanism that ensures sustained and stable running of the business if virtual machine are unexpectedly stopped or are errored because of errors occurring to compute, network, or storage resources associated with the virtual machines. By enabling this feature, you can customize VM HA policies to ensure your business continuity and stability.