
The VM failover strategy has the following limitations:
  • If the management network connectivity status turns abnormal, you cannot set the failover strategy.
  • Inspection of the storage network connectivity status only applies to VM instances that reside on shared storage, not on local storage.
    • If the storage type is SharedBlock, VM instances will automatically migrate when the storage network connection fails, regardless of whether the failover strategy is set to Yes or not.
  • For business VM instances using a VXLAN L2 network or L2 network that employs SR-IOV / smart NIC network acceleration mode, HA migration is not supported when errors occur to the host business NIC or the switch port directly connecting to the host business NIC that is associated with the L2 network.
  • When both the storage network connectivity status and the business NIC status turn abnormal, the failover strategy is determined by the strategies that are applied to the two abnormal status cases:
    • If you set either of the failover strategies to Yes, this failover strategy will be Yes.
    • Only when you set both the failover strategies to No, this failover strategy will be No.


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