
To use the GPU passthrough feature, note the following considerations:
  • A single VM instance can attach multiple pGPUs simultaneously but does not support attaching both pGPUs and vGPUs at the same time.
  • After the GPU is passed through to a VM instance, functions such as changing host, changing host and primary storage, or HA may not work well.
  • We recommend that you stop the VM instance before detaching GPUs. Otherwise, a blue screen or a suspension may occur.
  • For GPU passthrough to a Windows VM instance, you need to install the operating system using the UEFI boot mode.
  • Enter the global settings and find PCI Hot Plugging. The default is true. If a hardware incompatibility error occurs during hot plugging or a hardware device does not support hot plugging, you can set this parameter to false.
  • To use the GPU passthrough feature and obtain real-time GPU load monitoring data, you need to install GPU drivers and GuestToos on both the host and the VM instance. The recommended versions for GPU drivers are as follows.
    GPU Recommended Version for Host Recommended Version for VM Instance
    NVIDIA Latest version recommended by NVIDIA. For more information, see NVIDIA Official Documentation
    AMD rocm-smi 6.1.2 and later versions rocm-smi 6.1.2 and later versions
    Note: If the VM instance uses the OS of RHEL7 series, make sure that the VM kernel is of 4.18.0 or later versions.

    After Hygon uses the GPU passthrough feature, it does not have access to load monitoring data via GPU drivers.

    Iluvatar CoreX
    • x86:
    • ARM:
    • x86:
    • ARM:


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