Source Cloud Platform | Destination Cloud Platform |
| ZStack Cloud Private Cloud
In this scenario, you will add a compute node prepared in the destination cluster as the V2V conversion host.
On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Platform O&M > Migration Service > V2V Conversion Host. On the V2V Conversion Host page, click Add V2V Conversion Host. Then, the Add V2V Conversion Host page is displayed.
On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Platform O&M > Migration Service > V2V Migration. On the V2V Migration page, click Create V2V Job.Then, the Create V2V Job page is displayed
The name must be 1 to 128 characters in length and can contain Chinese characters, letters, digits, spaces, hyphens (-), underscores (_), periods (.), parenthesis (), colons (:), and plus signs (+) and cannot begin or end with spaces.
cmd-->“powercfg -h off”
cmd-->“powercfg -h on”
In this scenario, all the chosen VM instances have a NIC attached.
Parameters of the destination VM instances are configured by the system by default. Therefore, go to the next step if no further modification is needed.
Confirm the information about the V2V job. You can modify the information by clicking the Edit icon next to each step.
Source Cloud Platform | Destination Cloud Platform |
An open-source, KVM-based cloud platform
| ZStack Cloud Private Cloud
In this scenario, you will add a compute node prepared in the destination cluster as the V2V conversion host.
On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Platform O&M > Migration Service > V2V Conversion Host. On the V2V Conversion Host page, click Add V2V Conversion Host. Then, the Add V2V Conversion Host page is displayed.
On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Platform O&M > Migration Service > V2V Migration. On the V2V Migration page, click Create V2V Job.Then, the Create V2V Job page is displayed
In this scenario, a chosen VM instance does not have a NIC attached.
Go to the next step to manually configure the destination NIC.
Confirm the information about the V2V job. You can modify the information by clicking the Edit icon next to each step.
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