
When you upgrade ZStack Cloud, note that:
  • During the upgrading, the management nodes are inaccessible and you cannot apply VM and volume resources. Therefore, we recommend that you upgrade the cloud platform during business troughs to avoid resource application and business change needs.
  • After the management node upgrading is completed, all hosts, primary storages, backup storages, VPC vRouters are reconnected and related resources are auto-upgraded. During the connection, you cannot perform operations on VM instances and volumes.
  • If an error occurs during the upgrading and interrupts the upgrading, you can troubleshoot the error. After the error is solved, you can upgrade the cloud platform again.
  • The ISO, virtualization components used and features provided by ZStack Cloud may differ depending on the Cloud version. Before upgrading your Cloud to a new version, read Version Information Summary carefully. If you have any question or need an upgrade help, contact the official technical support.

Version Information Summary

The following lists the considerations that you need to take when you upgrade the Cloud to different versions. For any questions or assistance, contact our official technical support.
Table 1. ISO Upgrade Information
Version Upgrade Information Details
ZStack Cloud 4.8.10 Begins to provide H84R ISO on the official website. Stops providing H76C/H79C ISO.
  • Starting from 4.8.10, H84R ISO is available on the official website. It is the only ISO version available on the official website.
  • Starting from 4.8.10, H76C and H79C ISO is no longer provided for installation and deployment of a new cloud platform. If you need to expand the capacity or upgrade the operating system, contact the official technical support for help.
ZStack Cloud 4.7.21 Begins to provide H84R ISO.
  • Starting from 4.7.21, ZStack Cloud provides three ISO versions: H84R, H76C, and H79C. Multiple repos are supported.
  • The H84R ISO needs to be got from the official technical support. H76C and H79C ISO are available on the official website.
  • H84R uses QEMU of 6.2 version and Libvirt of 8.0 version.
ZStack Cloud 4.7.0 Begins to provide H76C/H79C ISO on the official website. Stops providing C76/C79 ISO.
  • Starting from 4.7.0, ZStack Cloud provides two ISO versions based on the self-developed Helix, H76C and H79C, on the official website. Multiple repos are supported.
  • Starting from 4.7.0, C76 and C79 ISO are no longer provided for the installation and deployment of a new cloud platform. You can use an H76C/H79C ISO to upgrade your Cloud of an earlier version to 4.7.0 seamlessly. For detailed information, contact the official technical support.
ZStack Cloud 4.7.0 Begins to provide C79 ISO on the official website. Stops providing C76 ISO.
  • Starting from 4.7.0, ZStack Cloud provides two ISO versions, C76 and C79, on the official website. Multiple repos are supported.
  • C79 ISO uses QEMU of 4.2 version and Libvirt of 6.0 version.
  • Starting from 4.7.0, C74 ISO is no longer provided for installation and deployment of a new cloud platform. If you need to expand the capacity or upgrade the operating system, contact the official technical support for help.
ZStack Cloud 3.7.1 Begins to provide C76 ISO on the official website. Stops providing C79 ISO.
  • Starting from 3.7.1, ZStack Cloud provides two ISO versions, C76 and C74, on the official website.
  • Starting from 3.7.1, ISO of the C72 ISO is no longer provided for installation and deployment of the new cloud platform. If you need to expand the capacity or upgrade the operating system, contact the official technical support for help.
  • Starting from 3.7.1, the local repo of C72 ISO is redirected C74 ISO. If you use offline upgrading, you need to obtain ISO of the C74 version to update the local repo.
Table 2. Virtualization Component Upgrade Information
Version Upgrade Information Details
ZStack Cloud 4.8.10 / Starting from 4.8.10, H84R ISO is available on the official website. It is the only ISO version available on the official website. If you need ISO of other editions to expand or upgrade your Cloud, contact official technical support to get the basic information of the ISO.
ZStack Cloud 4.7.21 H84R ISO uses QEMU 6.2+Libvirt 8.0 for all ISO. The new ISO provided in 4.7.21, H84R ISO, using QEMU of 6.2 version and Libvirt of 8.0 version.
ZStack Cloud 4.3.12 Upgrade QEMU version to 4.3.12 Starting from 4.3.12, the QEMU version is automatically upgraded from 2.12 to 4.2.
  • If you deploy a new Cloud by using the ISO of 4.3.12, QEMU 4.2 is installed by default. If you upgrade an existing Cloud to 4.3.12, QEMU 2.12 is kept in use by default and is not upgraded automatically.
  • To use the Cloud properly, make sure that all hosts in the same cluster use the same QEMU version. Therefore, if you upgrade your Cloud to 4.3.12 or a later version, you could not expand the capacity by adding hosts (installed using the ISO of 4.3.12 or a later version) to the existing cluster. To expand the capacity, use a new cluster.
ZStack Cloud 3.9.0 Upgrades Libvirt version to 4.9.0 Starting from ZStack Cloud 3.9.0, if you use C74 ISO and QEMU 2.9, the Libvirt version is automatically upgraded to 4.9.0.
  • The new Libvirt version may affect the following features:
    • If you use open-source Ceph distributed storage and enable the CEPHX (Ceph authentication) feature, when you hot-plug VM CD-ROM, an error may occur.
    • Shared volumes on SharedBlock primary storage are in the format of raw. This type of volume does not allow you to create snapshots and resize capacities, or create images for powered-on VM instances to which this type of volume is attached.
  • In later versions of ZStack Cloud, these limitations will be eliminated. Pay attention to our updating information or contact the official technical support.
  • The libvirt auto-upgrading feature is enabled by default. You can disable the feature by using the following method:
    Enter the /usr/local/zstack/apache-tomcat/webapps/zstack/WEB-INF/classes/ path of the management node (MN) and set the following parameter in the configuration file:
    updatePkgWhenConnect = false # Disable libvirt auto-upgrading.

    In a multi-MN environment, you need to configure the preceding parameter in all MN nodes. After you complete the configuration, restart the management node to make the modification take effect.

Table 3. Feature Upgrade Information
Version Upgrade Information Details
ZStack Cloud 4.7.21 Renames Entertainment Management as Tenant Management. Starting from 4.7.21, the feature module Entertainment Management is renamed as Tenant Management. This does not affect the functions of this module.
ZStack Cloud 4.6.0 Upgrades Affinity Group to VM Scheduling Policy. Starting from 4.6.0, the feature Affinity Group is upgraded to VM Scheduling Policy:
  • The VM Scheduling Policy feature provides four types of policies: VM Exclusive from Each Other, VM Affinitive to Each Other, VMs Affinitive to Hosts, and VMs Exclusive from Hosts. Each policy has two execution mechanisms: Hard and Soft.
  • Anti-Affinity Group (Hard) and Anti-Affinity Group (Soft) policies provided in earlier versions are upgraded to VM Affinitive to Each Other (Hard) and VM Affinitive to Each Other (Soft) respectively, without any modification to the underlying working principles. This upgrade has no impact on your existing application workloads and is annoyance-free.
ZStack Cloud 4.0.0 Upgrades vRouter to VPC vRouter. Starting from 4.0.0, vRouter is upgraded to VPC vRouter and vRouter network is upgraded to VPC network. vRouter is no longer available on the UI. The seamless upgrade does not affect your business continuity.
Replaces User Group and User by the account system in Entertainment Management. Starting from 4.0.0, User Group and User are replaced by the system account in Entertainment Management Account System. User Group and User are no longer available on the UI. You cannot login to the Cloud by using a user or user group account. Before you implement upgrading, migrate the user and user group account data to Entertainment Management.
Note: User accounts created by the admin and have the admin permissions are also can celled. Platform admins in Entertainment Management have the equivalent permissions. You can use Entertainment Management to create platform managers based on your business needs.
Adjusts the integration of AD/LDAP and accounts. Starting from 4.0.0, the integration of AD/LDAP and accounts is managed by Entertainment Management. Before you implement upgrading, migrate the AD/LDAP account data managed by the original account system to Entertainment Management.


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