Theme & Appearance Customization

This scenario describes how to customize the product logo and release information after you install ZStack Cloud.

  1. Enter the Theme and Appearance page.

    On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Settings > System Setting > Theme and Appearance. Then, the Theme and Appearance page is displayed.

    Figure 1. Theme and Appearance

  2. On the Theme and Appearance page, you can customize following settings:
    • Global Appearance:
      • Theme: Choose a global theme color. 8 options are provided.
        Note: This setting takes effect on pages displayed to all Cloud managers, accounts, and users.
    • Title Setting:
      • Browser:
        • Favicon: Upload an icon for the browser.
          Note: You can upload a file only in ICO format and the file must no greater than 2 MB in size.
        • Chinese Title: Enter a Chinese title for the browser.
          Note: The title must be 1 to 25 characters in length.
        • English Title: Enter an English title for the browser.
          Note: The title must be 1 to 25 characters in length.
      • Login Interface:
        • Logo: Upload a logo for the login interface.
          Note: You can upload a JPG, JPEG, ,or SVG image that is within 250*70px and 2 MB.
        • Chinese Title: Enter a Chinese title for the login interface.
          Note: The title must be 1 to 25 characters in length.
        • English Title: Enter an English title for the login interface.
          Note: The title must be 1 to 25 characters in length.
      • Platform Interface:
        • Logo: Upload a logo for the platform interface.
          • You can upload a JPG, JPEG, PNG, or SVG image that is within 110*40px and 2 MB.
          • We recommend that you upload a white or light-colored logo on a dark background.
        • Chinese Title: Enter a Chinese title for the platform interface.
          Note: The title must be 1 to 25 characters in length.
        • English Title: Enter an English title for the platform interface.
          Note: The title must be 1 to 25 characters in length.
        • Front Size: Select a front size for the platform interface title. Valid values: Large, Medium, and Small. Default: Medium.
    • Monitor:
      • Title and Appearance:
        • Chinese Title: Enter a Chinese title for the monitor.
          Note: The title must be 1 to 18 characters in length.
        • English Title: Enter an English title for the monitor.
          Note: The title must be 1 to 18 characters in length.
        • Theme: Choose an appearance for the monitor. Valid values: Classic and Technology. Default: Classic.
      • Monitoring : Choose a monitoring mode. Valid values: External Monitoring and Internal Monitoring. Default: External Monitoring.
  3. Reset to default settings.
    You can cancel all custom settings and reset the product theme and appearance to default configurations by clicking Reset to Default Settings.
    Note: After you click Reset to Default Settings, all custom logo images and release information stored in /var/lib/zstack/static are deleted.


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