Getting Started

To use the main functions of ZStack Cloud Hybrid Cloud Management, follow these steps:
  1. Add AccessKey: Use the AccessKey to call the Alibaba Cloud APIs or Private Alibaba Cloud APIs.
  2. Add Region: After adding regions, you can specify regions to create ECS instances.
  3. Add Zone: After adding zones, you can specify zones to create ECS instances.
  4. Add Bucket: Use the Bucket to synchronize ZStack Cloud images to Alibaba Cloud OSS and upload the images to corresponding regions. If you only use Alibaba Cloud images instead of local images to create ECS instances, you do not need to add a Bucket.
  5. Create VPC: Create a VPC dedicated for ECS instances.
  6. Create Security Group: Create security groups for ECS instances.
  7. Create ECS Instance: Create ECS instances to provide compute services.
  8. Create VPC Network: Create a VPC network which is used to create VM instances on Private Cloud.
  9. Create VPN Connection: Use a VPN connection to enable the intercommunication between local Private Cloud VM instances and Alibaba Cloud ECS instances.
  10. Create Express Connect: Use an express connect to enable the intercommunication between Private Cloud VM instances and Alibaba Cloud ECS instances.


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