ZStack Cloud provides two types of tags to help users and plugins organize resources, introduce extra resource properties, and instruct ZStack Cloud to perform specific business logic.
CreateUserTag resourceType=VmInstanceVO \ resourceUuid=613af3fe005914c1643a15c36fd578c6 tag=web
CreateUserTag resourceType=VmInstanceVO \ resourceUuid=5eb55c39db015c1782c7d814900a9609 tag=web
CreateUserTag resourceType=VmInstanceVO \ resourceUuid=0cd1ef8c9b9e0ba82e0cc9cc17226a26 tag=web
QueryVmInstance __userTag__=web
CreateVmInstance instanceOfferingUuid=1cf417bfd0e94175aea92131f1000011 \ imageUuid=ee14c7c8cc46309d821c51bbae3adb70 l3NetworkUuids=ac5c7e736f1b499bbd0c12763b30051d \ name=tesd2 userTags=capability::liveSnapshot,os::centos::7.4
.CreateVmInstance instanceOfferingUuid=1cf417bfd0e94175aea92131f1000011 \ imageUuid=ee14c7c8cc46309d821c51bbae3adb70 l3NetworkUuids=ac5c7e736f1b499bbd0c12763b30051d name=tesd2 \ userTags=capability:40G,OS:CentOS7.4,password:123456,usage:Apache
For example, you might want all VM instances that work as web servers to create their root volumes on a special primary storage that provides better IO performance by SSD.
CreateUserTag tag=forWebTierVM resourceType=PrimaryStorageVO \ resourceUuid=6572ce44c3f6422d8063b0fb262cbc62
CreateSystemTag tag=primaryStorage::allocator::userTag::forWebTierVM \ resourceType=InstanceOfferingVO resourceUuid=8f69ef6c2c444cdf8c019fa0969d56a5
System tags have wider usage than user tags. You can use system tags to instruct ZStack Cloud to do some specific business logic, like the examples in the section above.
Plugins, which extend the functionality of ZStack Cloud, can use system tags to introduce additional resource properties, or to record metadata that tightly bind to resources.
For example, you might want to perform online migrations or online snapshots on KVM instances.
ZStack Cloud needs to know the libvirt version and QEMU version of the KVM instances, which are all meta data. ZStack Cloud records these data as system tags of VM instances.
QuerySystemTag fields=tag resourceUuid=d07066c4de02404a948772e131139eb4
{ "inventories": [ { "tag": "capability:liveSnapshot" }, { "tag": "qemu-img::version::2.0.0" }, { "tag": "os::version::14.04" }, { "tag": "libvirt::version::1.2.2" }, { "tag": "os::release::trusty" }, { "tag": "os::distribution::Ubuntu" } ], "success": true }
This kind of system tags are called inherent system tags, which can be only created by ZStack Cloud services and plugins, and cannot be deleted by using the DeleteTag API.
To add new features, plugins usually need to add a new properties to a resource. Although a plugin cannot add a new column by changing the database schema of a resource, the plugin can create new properties as system tags of a resource.
CreateVmInstance name=testTag systemTags=hostname::web-server-1 \ l3NetworkUuids=6572ce44c3f6422d8063b0fb262cbc62 \ instanceOfferingUuid=04b5419ca3134885be90a48e372d3895 \ imageUuid=f1205825ec405cd3f2d259730d47d1d8
QuerySystemTag fields=tag uuid resourceUuid=76e119bf9e16461aaf3d1b47c645c7b7
{ "inventories": [ { "tag": "hostname::web-server-1", "uuid": "596070a6276746edbf0f54ef721f654e" } ], "success": true }
This kind of system tags are non-inherent. You can them by using the DeleteTag API.
DeleteTag uuid=596070a6276746edbf0f54ef721f654e
CreateSystemTag resourceType=VmInstanceVO tag=hostname::web-server-nginx \ resourceUuid=76e119bf9e16461aaf3d1b47c645c7b7
as a delimiters.When you create a tag, you must specify the resource type that the tag is associated with.
Resource Type |
AccessControlRuleVO |
AccessKeyVO |
AccountResourceRefVO |
AccountVO |
AddingNewInstanceRuleVO |
AffinityGroupUsageVO |
AffinityGroupVO |
AlarmActionVO |
AlarmLabelVO |
AlarmVO |
AlertVO |
AliyunDiskVO |
AliyunEbsBackupStorageVO |
AliyunEbsPrimaryStorageVO |
AliyunNasAccessGroupVO |
AliyunNasAccessRuleVO |
AliyunNasFileSystemVO |
AliyunNasMountTargetVO |
AliyunNasMountVolumeRefVO |
AliyunNasPrimaryStorageFileSystemRefVO |
AliyunNasPrimaryStorageMountPointVO |
AliyunPanguPartitionVO |
AliyunProxyVSwitchVO |
AliyunProxyVpcVO |
AliyunRouterInterfaceVO |
AliyunSmsSNSTextTemplateVO |
AliyunSnapshotVO |
ApplianceVmFirewallRuleVO |
ApplianceVmVO |
ArchiveTicketStatusHistoryVO |
ArchiveTicketVO |
AsyncRestVO |
AutoScalingGroupActivityVO |
AutoScalingGroupInstanceVO |
AutoScalingGroupVO |
AutoScalingRuleAlarmTriggerVO |
AutoScalingRuleTriggerVO |
AutoScalingRuleVO |
AutoScalingTemplateGroupRefVO |
AutoScalingTemplateVO |
AutoScalingVmTemplateVO |
AvailableInstanceTypesVO |
BackupStorageEO |
BackupStorageVO |
BackupStorageZoneRefVO |
BaremetalBondingVO |
BaremetalChassisVO |
BaremetalHardwareInfoVO |
BaremetalImageCacheVO |
BaremetalInstanceSequenceNumberVO |
BaremetalInstanceVO |
BaremetalNicVO |
BaremetalPxeServerClusterRefVO |
BaremetalPxeServerVO |
BaremetalVlanNicVO |
BareMetal2ChassisVO |
BareMetal2ChassisNicVO |
BareMetal2ChassisDiskVO |
BareMetal2ChassisOfferingVO |
BareMetal2InstanceVO |
BareMetal2GatewayVO |
BareMetal2ProvisionNetworkVO |
BillingResourceLabelVO |
BillingVO |
BuildApplicationVO |
CaptchaVO |
CephBackupStorageMonVO |
CephBackupStorageVO |
CephCapacityVO |
CephPrimaryStorageMonVO |
CephPrimaryStoragePoolVO |
CephPrimaryStorageVO |
CertificateVO |
CloudFormationStackEventVO |
CloudFormationStackResourceRefVO |
ClusterEO |
ClusterVO |
ConnectionAccessPointVO |
ConnectionRelationShipVO |
ConsoleProxyAgentVO |
ConsoleProxyVO |
CustomPreconfigurationVO |
DataCenterVO |
DataVolumeBillingVO |
DataVolumeUsageExtensionVO |
DataVolumeUsageHistoryVO |
DataVolumeUsageVO |
DatabaseBackupStorageRefVO |
DatabaseBackupVO |
DeleteVO |
DiskOfferingEO |
DiskOfferingVO |
EcsImageUsageVO |
EcsImageVO |
EcsInstanceVO |
EcsSecurityGroupRuleVO |
EcsSecurityGroupVO |
EcsVSwitchVO |
EcsVpcVO |
EipVO |
ElaborationVO |
EmailMediaVO |
EmailTriggerActionVO |
EventSubscriptionActionVO |
EventSubscriptionLabelVO |
EventSubscriptionVO |
FiberChannelLunVO |
FiberChannelStorageVO |
FlowCollectorVO |
FlowMeterVO |
FlowRouterVO |
GarbageCollectorVO |
GlobalConfigTemplateVO |
GlobalConfigVO |
GuestToolsVO |
HardwareL2VxlanNetworkPoolVO |
HistoricalPasswordVO |
HostCapacityVO |
HostEO |
HostTagVO |
HostVO |
HybridAccountVO |
HybridConnectionRefVO |
HybridEipAddressVO |
IAM2GroupVirtualIDRefVO |
IAM2OrganizationAttributeVO |
IAM2OrganizationProjectRefVO |
IAM2OrganizationVO |
IAM2ProjectAccountRefVO |
IAM2ProjectAttributeVO |
IAM2ProjectTemplateVO |
IAM2ProjectVO |
IAM2ProjectVirtualIDRefVO |
IAM2TicketFlowCollectionVO |
IAM2TicketFlowVO |
IAM2VirtualIDAttributeVO |
IAM2VirtualIDGroupAttributeVO |
IAM2VirtualIDGroupRefVO |
IAM2VirtualIDGroupRoleRefVO |
IAM2VirtualIDGroupVO |
IAM2VirtualIDOrganizationRefVO |
IAM2VirtualIDRoleRefVO |
IAM2VirtualIDVO |
IPsecConnectionVO |
IPsecL3NetworkRefVO |
IPsecPeerCidrVO |
IdentityZoneVO |
ImageBackupStorageRefVO |
ImageCacheShadowVO |
ImageCacheVO |
ImageCacheVolumeRefVO |
ImageEO |
ImageOpsJournalVO |
ImageReplicationGroupBackupStorageRefVO |
ImageReplicationGroupVO |
ImageReplicationHistoryVO |
ImageStoreBackupStorageVO |
ImageVO |
ImagePackageVO |
InsertVO |
InstallPathRecycleVO |
InstanceOfferingEO |
InstanceOfferingVO |
IpRangeEO |
IpRangeVO |
IscsiFileSystemBackendPrimaryStorageVO |
IscsiIsoVO |
IscsiLunVO |
IscsiServerClusterRefVO |
IscsiServerVO |
IscsiTargetVO |
JobQueueEntryVO |
JobQueueVO |
JsonLabelVO |
KeyValueBinaryVO |
KeyValueVO |
L2NetworkClusterRefVO |
L2NetworkEO |
L2NetworkVO |
L2VlanNetworkVO |
L3NetworkDnsVO |
L3NetworkEO |
L3NetworkHostRouteVO |
L3NetworkVO |
LdapAccountRefVO |
LdapResourceRefVO |
LdapServerVO |
LoadBalancerListenerCertificateRefVO |
LoadBalancerListenerVO |
LoadBalancerListenerVmNicRefVO |
LoadBalancerVO |
LocalStorageHostRefVO |
LocalStorageResourceRefVO |
LogVO |
LoginAttemptsVO |
LongJobVO |
ManagementNodeContextVO |
ManagementNodeVO |
MdevDeviceSpecVO |
MdevDeviceVO |
MediaVO |
MiniStorageHostRefVO |
MiniStorageResourceReplicationVO |
MiniStorageVO |
MirrorNetworkUsedIpVO |
MonitorTriggerActionRefVO |
MonitorTriggerActionVO |
MonitorTriggerVO |
MulticastRouterRendezvousPointVO |
MulticastRouterVO |
MulticastRouterVpcVRouterRefVO |
NasFileSystemVO |
NasMountTargetVO |
NetworkRouterAreaRefVO |
NetworkRouterFlowMeterRefVO |
NetworkServiceL3NetworkRefVO |
NetworkServiceProviderL2NetworkRefVO |
NetworkServiceProviderVO |
NetworkServiceTypeVO |
NotificationSubscriptionVO |
OssBucketDomainVO |
OssBucketVO |
OssUploadPartsVO |
PciDeviceBillingVO |
PciDeviceMdevSpecRefVO |
PciDeviceOfferingInstanceOfferingRefVO |
PciDeviceOfferingVO |
PciDevicePciDeviceOfferingRefVO |
PciDeviceSpecVO |
PciDeviceUsageHistoryVO |
PciDeviceUsageVO |
PciDeviceVO |
PhysicalDriveSmartSelfTestHistoryVO |
PolicyRouteRuleSetL3RefVO |
PolicyRouteRuleSetVO |
PolicyRouteRuleSetVRouterRefVO |
PolicyRouteRuleVO |
PolicyRouteTableRouteEntryVO |
PolicyRouteTableVO |
PolicyRouteTableVRouterRefVO |
PolicyVO |
PortForwardingRuleVO |
PortMirrorSessionMirrorNetworkRefVO |
PortMirrorSessionSequenceNumberVO |
PortMirrorSessionVO |
PortMirrorVO |
PreconfigurationTemplateVO |
PricePciDeviceOfferingRefVO |
PriceVO |
PrimaryStorageCapacityVO |
PrimaryStorageClusterRefVO |
PrimaryStorageEO |
PrimaryStorageHostRefVO |
PrimaryStorageVO |
PubIpVipBandwidthInBillingVO |
PubIpVipBandwidthOutBillingVO |
PubIpVipBandwidthUsageHistoryVO |
PubIpVipBandwidthUsageVO |
PubIpVmNicBandwidthInBillingVO |
PubIpVmNicBandwidthOutBillingVO |
PubIpVmNicBandwidthUsageVO |
QuartzJdbcJobVO |
QuotaVO |
RaidControllerVO |
RaidPhysicalDriveVO |
RemovalInstanceRuleVO |
ResourceConfigVO |
ResourceStackVO |
ResourceUsageVO |
ResourceVO |
RoleAccountRefVO |
RolePolicyRefVO |
RolePolicyStatementVO |
RoleUserGroupRefVO |
RoleUserRefVO |
RoleVO |
RootVolumeBillingVO |
RootVolumeUsageExtensionVO |
RootVolumeUsageVO |
RouterAreaVO |
SNSApplicationEndpointVO |
SNSApplicationPlatformVO |
SNSDingTalkAtPersonVO |
SNSDingTalkEndpointVO |
SNSEmailAddressVO |
SNSEmailEndpointVO |
SNSEmailPlatformVO |
SNSHttpEndpointVO |
SNSSmsEndpointVO |
SNSSmsReceiverVO |
SNSSubscriberVO |
SNSTextTemplateVO |
SNSTopicVO |
SchedulerJobGroupJobRefVO |
SchedulerJobGroupSchedulerTriggerRefVO |
SchedulerJobGroupVO |
SchedulerJobHistoryVO |
SchedulerJobSchedulerTriggerRefVO |
SchedulerJobVO |
SchedulerTriggerVO |
SchedulerVO |
ScsiLunHostRefVO |
ScsiLunVO |
ScsiLunVmInstanceRefVO |
SdnControllerVO |
SecurityGroupFailureHostVO |
SecurityGroupL3NetworkRefVO |
SecurityGroupRuleVO |
SecurityGroupSequenceNumberVO |
SecurityGroupVO |
SessionVO |
SftpBackupStorageVO |
ShareableVolumeVmInstanceRefVO |
SharedBlockGroupPrimaryStorageHostRefVO |
SharedBlockGroupVO |
SharedBlockVO |
SharedBlockCapacityVO |
SharedResourceVO |
SimulatorHostVO |
SnapShotUsageVO |
StackTemplateVO |
SystemRoleVO |
SystemTagVO |
TagPatternVO |
TaskProgressVO |
TemplateConfigVO |
TemplateCustomParamVO |
TicketFlowCollectionVO |
TicketFlowVO |
TicketStatusHistoryVO |
TicketTypeTicketFlowCollectionRefVO |
TicketTypeVO |
TicketVO |
TwoFactorAuthenticationSecretVO |
UpdateVO |
UsbDeviceVO |
UsedIpVO |
UserGroupPolicyRefVO |
UserGroupUserRefVO |
UserGroupVO |
UserPolicyRefVO |
UserTagVO |
UserVO |
V2VConversionCacheVO |
V2VConversionHostVO |
VCenterBackupStorageVO |
VCenterClusterVO |
VCenterDatacenterVO |
VCenterPrimaryStorageVO |
VCenterResourcePoolUsageVO |
VCenterResourcePoolVO |
VCenterVO |
VRouterRouteEntryVO |
VRouterRouteTableVO |
VipNetworkServicesRefVO |
VipPeerL3NetworkRefVO |
VipQosVO |
VipVO |
VirtualBorderRouterVO |
VirtualRouterBootstrapIsoVO |
VirtualRouterEipRefVO |
VirtualRouterLoadBalancerRefVO |
VirtualRouterOfferingVO |
VirtualRouterPortForwardingRuleRefVO |
VirtualRouterVRouterRouteTableRefVO |
VirtualRouterVipVO |
VirtualRouterVmVO |
VmCPUBillingVO |
VmCdRomVO |
VmInstanceEO |
VmInstanceMdevDeviceSpecRefVO |
VmInstanceMdevSpecDeviceRefVO |
VmInstancePciDeviceSpecRefVO |
VmInstancePciSpecDeviceRefVO |
VmInstanceSequenceNumberVO |
VmInstanceVO |
VmMemoryBillingVO |
VmNicSecurityGroupRefVO |
VmNicVO |
VmPriorityConfigVO |
VmVdpaNicVO |
VmVfNicVO |
VmUsageVO |
VniRangeVO |
VolumeBackupHistoryVO |
VolumeBackupStorageRefVO |
VolumeBackupVO |
VolumeEO |
VolumeSnapshotBackupStorageRefVO |
VolumeSnapshotEO |
VolumeSnapshotGroupRefVO |
VolumeSnapshotGroupVO |
VolumeSnapshotTreeEO |
VolumeSnapshotTreeVO |
VolumeSnapshotVO |
VolumeVO |
VpcFirewallRuleSetL3RefVO |
VpcFirewallRuleSetVO |
VpcFirewallRuleVO |
VpcFirewallVO |
VpcFirewallVRouterRefVO |
VpcHaGroupApplianceVmRefVO |
VpcHaGroupMonitorIpVO |
VpcHaGroupNetworkServiceRefVO |
VpcHaGroupVO |
VpcHaGroupVipRefVO |
VpcRouterDnsVO |
VpcRouterVmVO |
VpcUserVpnGatewayVO |
VpcVirtualRouteEntryVO |
VpcVirtualRouterVO |
VpcVpnConnectionVO |
VpcVpnGatewayVO |
VpcVpnIkeConfigVO |
VpcVpnIpSecConfigVO |
VtepVO |
VxlanClusterMappingVO |
VxlanHostMappingVO |
VxlanNetworkPoolVO |
VxlanNetworkVO |
WebhookVO |
WorkFlowChainVO |
WorkFlowVO |
XDragonHostVO |
ZoneEO |
ZoneVO |
In the corresponding Tags topic of each resource, we will explain what resource types to use when you create tags.
Name | Description | Optional | Valid Value | Starting Version |
uuid | The UUID. For more information, see Resource Property. | 0.6 | ||
createDate | The creation date. For more information, see Resource Property. | 0.6 | ||
lastOpDate | The last operation date. For more information, see Resource Property. | 0.6 | ||
resourceUuid | The resource UUID. | 0.6 | ||
resourceType | The resource type. | 0.6 | ||
tag | Th tag string. | 0.6 | ||
type | The reserved field. | 0.6 | ||
groupBy | Groups rows into subgroups based on values of columns or expressions. This field is equivalent to the Group By clause in MySQL, such as groupBy=type. | Yes | 1.9 | |
systemTags | The system tags. For more information, see CreateSystemTag. | Yes | 0.6 | |
userTags | The user tags. For more information, see CreateUserTag. | Yes | 0.6 |
Name | Description | Optional | Valid Value | Starting Version |
uuid | The UUID. For more information, see Resource Property. | 3.2.0 | ||
createDate | The creation date. For more information, see Resource Property. | 3.2.0 | ||
lastOpDate | The last operation date. For more information, see Resource Property. | 3.2.0 | ||
value | 3.2.0 | |||
description | The detailed description of the resource. | 3.2.0 | ||
color | 3.2.0 | |||
type | The reserved field. | 3.2.0 | ||
groupBy | Groups rows into subgroups based on values of columns or expressions. This field is equivalent to the Group By clause in MySQL, such as groupBy=type. | Yes | 3.2.0 | |
systemTags | The system tags. For more information, see CreateSystemTag. | Yes | 3.2.0 | |
userTags | The user tags. For more information, see CreateUserTag. | Yes | 3.2.0 |
{ "inventories": [ { "uuid": "f7ac675964d0386b89d8df713f68aee0", "name": "SSD", "value": "SSD", "description": "SSD volume", "color": "#FFFFFF", "type": "simple", "createDate": "Nov 14, 2017 10:20:57 PM", "lastOpDate": "Nov 14, 2017 10:20:57 PM" } ] }
Name | Description | Optional | Valid Value | Starting Version |
uuid | The UUID. For more information, see Resource Structure. | 0.6 | ||
createDate | The creation date. For more information, see Resource Structure. | 0.6 | ||
lastOpDate | The last operation date. For more information, see Resource Structure. | 0.6 | ||
resourceUuid | The resource UUID. If specified, the system will not allocate randomly a UUID to the resource. | 0.6 | ||
resourceType | The resource type, which must be specified when you create a tag. | 0.6 | ||
tag | The tag string. | 0.6 | ||
type | The reserved field for internal use. | 0.6 | ||
groupBy | Groups rows into subgroups based on values of columns or expressions. This field is equivalent to the Group By clause in MySQL, such as groupBy=type. | Yes | 0.6 | |
systemTags | The system tags. For more information, see CreateSystemTag. | Yes | 0.6 | |
userTags | The user tags. For more information, see CreateUserTag. | Yes | 0.6 |
{ "inventories": [ { "uuid": "ae4f2dd05a513e1e8d350d448c2071a9", "resourceType": "DiskOfferingVO", "tag": "for-large-DB", "type": "User", "createDate": "Nov 14, 2017 10:20:57 PM", "lastOpDate": "Nov 14, 2017 10:20:57 PM" } ] }
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