
A zone is a logical group of resources such as clusters, L2 networks, and primary storages. Zone is the largest resource scope defined in ZStack Cloud.

When you organize a zone, note that:
  1. Hosts in the same physical layer 2 broadcast domain must be in the same zone. These hosts can be grouped as one or more clusters.
  2. A physical layer 2 broadcast domain cannot span multiple zones. Instead, it must be mapped as an L2 network in a single zone.
  3. A primary storage cannot span multiple zones. Instead, it should be mapped as the primary storage in a single zone.
  4. A data center can have multiple zones.
  5. A zone can have one or more backup storages attached.
    • Resources in a zone, such as a primary storage, can only access the backup storage that is attached to the zone.
    • A backup storage can be detached from a zone. After the backup storage is detached, resources in the zone will not see the backup storage any more.
    • If a backup storage is no longer accessible to resources of a zone due to network typology changes in a data center, you can detach the backup storage from this zone.



Name Description Optional Valid Value Starting Version
uuid The UUID. For more information, see Resource Property. 0.6
name The name. For more information, see Resource Property. 0.6
description The description. For more information, see Resource Property. Yes 0.6
state The state. For more information, see Resource Property.
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
createDate The creation date. For more information, see Resource Property. 0.6
lastOpDate The last operation date. For more information, see Resource Property. 0.6
type The reserved field. 0.6
userTags The user tags. For more information, see CreateUserTag. The resource type is ZoneVO. Yes 0.6
systemTags The system tags. For more information, see CreateSystemTag. The resource type is ZoneVO. Yes 0.6


 {             "createDate": "Oct 16, 2017 2:11:40 PM",             "description": "",             "lastOpDate": "Oct 24, 2017 10:52:31 AM",             "name": "SH",             "state": "Enabled",             "type": "zstack",             "uuid": "61092e77aedd41f0b8857b40652e5b1e"  }


  • A zone has the following two states: Enabled and Disabled.
  • When you change the state of a zone, the change operation will be cascaded to all clusters and hosts that belong to the zone.
  • For example, disabling a zone will change the state of all clusters and hosts in this zone to Disabled. Because no VM instance can be created or started on a disabled host, you can put a zone into Disabled state to prevent any VM instances from being created or started in this zone. This will not affect the use and restart of existing VM instances.


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