Create a VM Scheduling Policy

On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Resource Center > Resource Pool > Resource Service > VM Scheduling Policy. On the VM Scheduling Policy page, click Create VM Scheduling Policy. Then, the Create VM Scheduling Policy page is displayed.

The following lists the four VM scheduling policy creation scenarios:
  • Create VM Exclusive from Each Other Scheduling Policy
  • Create VM Affinitive to Each Other Scheduling Policy
  • Create VMs Exclusive from Hosts Scheduling Policy
  • Create VMs Affinitive to Hosts Scheduling Policy

Create VM Exclusive from Each Other Scheduling Policy

On the displayed page, set the following parameters:
  • Name: Enter a name for the VM scheduling policy.
  • Description: Optional. Enter a description for the VM scheduling policy.
  • Type: Select VM Exclusive from Each Other.
  • Execution Mechanism: The following two mechanisms are provided:
    • Hard: VM instances are forcibly assigned to hosts based on the VM Exclusive from Each Other policy. VM instances in the same VM scheduling group must not run on the same host. If no host is available to be scheduled based on the policy for a VM instance, the VM instance will end up failure upon startup.
    • Soft: VM instances are primarily assigned to hosts based on the VM Exclusive from Each Other policy. If possible, VM instances in the same VM scheduling group should not run on the same host. If no host is available to be scheduled based on the policy for a VM instance, the VM instance will attempt to run on a host that does not satisfy the policy while has sufficient resources.
  • Associate VM Scheduling Group: You can associate a VM scheduling policy with a new or existing VM scheduling group. After the association, the policy takes effect on all VM instances in the VM scheduling group:
    • Existing: Associate the VM scheduling policy with an existing VM scheduling group.
      • VM Scheduling Group: Select an existing VM scheduling group.
    • Create: Create a new VM scheduling group.
      • VM Scheduling Group Name: Enter a name for the VM scheduling group.
      • VM Instance: Select one or more VM instances to add to the scheduling group.
Figure 1. Create VM Scheduling Policy

Create VM Affinitive to Each Other Scheduling Policy

On the displayed page, set the following parameters:
  • Name: Enter a name for the VM scheduling policy.
  • Description: Optional. Enter a description for the VM scheduling policy.
  • Type: Select VM Affinitive to Each Other.
  • Execution Mechanism: The following two mechanisms are provided:
    • Hard: VM instances are forcibly assigned to hosts based on the VM Affinitive to Each Other policy. VM instances in the same VM scheduling group must run on the same host. If no host is available to be scheduled based on the policy for a VM instance, the VM instance will end up failure upon startup.
    • Soft: VM instances are primarily assigned to hosts based on the VM Affinitive to Each Other policy. If possible, VM instances in the same VM scheduling group should run on the same host. If no host is available to be scheduled based on the policy for a VM instance, the VM instance will attempt to run on a host that does not satisfy the policy while has sufficient resources.
  • Associate VM Scheduling Group: You can associate a VM scheduling policy with a new or existing VM scheduling group. After the association, the policy takes effect on all VM instances in the scheduling group:
    • Existing: Associate the VM scheduling policy with an existing VM scheduling group.
      • VM Scheduling Group: Select an existing VM scheduling group.
    • Create: Create a new VM scheduling group.
      • VM Scheduling Group Name: Enter a name for the VM scheduling group.
      • VM Instance: Select one or more VM instances to add to the scheduling group.
Figure 2. Create VM Scheduling Policy

Create VMs Exclusive from Hosts Scheduling Policy

On the displayed page, set the following parameters:
  • Name: Enter a name for the VM scheduling policy.
  • Description: Optional. Enter a description for the VM scheduling policy.
  • Type: Select VMs Exclusive from Hosts.
  • Execution Mechanism: The following two mechanisms are provided:
    • Hard: VM instances are forcibly assigned to hosts based on the VMs Exclusive from Hosts policy. Given any one of the VM instances in a VM scheduling group and any one of the hosts in a host scheduling group, the VM instance must not run the host. If no host is available to be scheduled based on the policy for a VM instance, the VM instance will end up failure upon startup.
    • Soft: VM instances are primarily assigned to hosts based on the VMs Exclusive from Hosts policy. Given any one of the VM instances in a VM scheduling group and any one of the hosts in a host scheduling group, the VM instance should not run the host if possible. If no host is available to be scheduled based on the policy for a VM instance, the VM instance will attempt to run on a host that does not satisfy the policy while has sufficient resources.
  • Associate VM Scheduling Group: You can associate a VM scheduling policy with a new or existing VM scheduling group. After the association, the policy takes effect on all VM instances in the scheduling group:
    • Existing: Associate the VM scheduling policy with an existing VM scheduling group.
      • VM Scheduling Group: Select an existing VM scheduling group.
    • Create: Create a new VM scheduling group.
      • VM Scheduling Group Name: Enter a name for the VM scheduling group.
      • VM Instance: Select one or more VM instances to add to the scheduling group.
  • Associate Host Scheduling Group: You can associate a VM scheduling policy with a new or existing host scheduling group. After the association, the policy takes effect on all hosts in the scheduling group:
    • Existing: Associate the VM scheduling policy with an existing host scheduling group.
      • Host Scheduling Group: Select an existing host scheduling group.
    • Create: Create a new host scheduling group.
      • Host Scheduling Group Name: Enter a name for the host scheduling group.
      • Host: Select one or more hosts to add to the scheduling group.
Figure 3. Create VM Scheduling Policy

Create VMs Affinitive to Hosts Scheduling Policy

On the displayed page, set the following parameters:
  • Name: Enter a name for the VM scheduling policy.
  • Description: Optional. Enter a description for the VM scheduling policy.
  • Type: Select VMs Affinitive to Hosts.
  • Execution Mechanism: The following two mechanisms are provided:
    • Hard: VM instances are forcibly assigned to hosts based on the VMs Affinitive to Hosts policy. A VM instance in a VM scheduling group must run on a host in a host scheduling group. If no host is available to be scheduled based on the policy for a VM instance, the VM instance will end up failure upon startup.
    • Soft: VM instances are primarily assigned to hosts based on the VMs Affinitive to Hosts policy. A VM instance in a VM scheduling group should run on a host in a host scheduling group if possible. If no host is available to be scheduled based on the policy for a VM instance, the VM instance will attempt to run on a host that does not satisfy the policy while has sufficient resources.
  • Associate VM Scheduling Group: You can associate a VM scheduling policy with a new or existing VM scheduling group. After the association, the policy takes effect on all VM instances in the scheduling group:
    • Existing: Associate the VM scheduling policy with an existing VM scheduling group.
      • VM Scheduling Group: Select an existing VM scheduling group.
    • Create: Create a new VM scheduling group.
      • VM Scheduling Group Name: Enter a name for the VM scheduling group.
      • VM Instance: Select one or more VM instances to add to the scheduling group.
  • Associate Host Scheduling Group: You can associate a VM scheduling policy with a new or existing host scheduling group. After the association, the policy takes effect on all hosts in the scheduling group:
    • Existing: Associate the VM scheduling policy with an existing host scheduling group.
      • Host Scheduling Group: Select an existing host scheduling group.
    • Create: Create a new host scheduling group.
      • Host Scheduling Group Name: Enter a name for the host scheduling group.
      • Host: Select one or more hosts to add to the scheduling group.
Figure 4. Create VM Scheduling Policy

Manage a VM Scheduling Policy

On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Resource Center > Resource Pool > Resource Service > VM Scheduling Policy. Then, the VM Scheduling Policy is displayed.

You can perform the following actions on a VM scheduling policy.
Action Description
Create VM Scheduling Policy Create a VM scheduling policy.
Edit VM Scheduling Policy Edit the name and description of a VM scheduling policy.
Enable VM Scheduling Policy Enable a disabled VM scheduling policy.
Disable VM Scheduling Policy Disable an enabled VM scheduling policy.
Note: If you disable a VM scheduling policy, the associated VM instances will not be scheduled based on the policy.
Change Execution Mechanism Changes the execution mechanism of a VM scheduling policy. Two mechanisms are provided: Hard and Soft.
Delete VM Scheduling Policy Delete a VM scheduling policy.
Note: If you delete a VM scheduling policy, the associated VM instances will not be scheduled based on the policy.

Associated Resource of VM Scheduling Policy

On the main menu of ZStack Cloud, choose Resource Center > Resource Pool > Resource Service > VM Scheduling Policy. Then, the VM Scheduling Policy page is displayed.


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